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Why is there sugar in my salt?
Here is the scoop on the sugar (invert sugar) listed on the packaging of our iodized salt products:
The amount of invert sugar is less than 0.08% and is used to stabilize the potassium iodide. Invert sugar is formed when sucrose (or sugar) is broke down or inverted into its components – glucose and fructose
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Where can I find Morton® Tender Quick Home Meat Cure in Canada?
Morton® Tender Quick Home Meat Cure is no longer available for distribution in Canada. We apologize for any inconvenience. This product continues to remain in distribution at various retailers within the United States.
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Does your kosher salt contain iodine?
No, Windsor® Coarse Kosher Salt does not contain iodine.
If there is iodine (potassium iodide) added to our products, it is stated on the product packaging and ingredient statement. We encourage our consumers to refer to the Nutrition Facts panel and the ingredients list on the product for that information.
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Have the names for System Saver II and Rust Remover changed?
Yes, System Saver II has been renamed Clean and Protect™. Rust Remover has been renamed Clean and Protect™ Plus Clean Care™ and the artwork has been updated for both products.
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Where can I find Windsor® Nature's Seasons Seasoning Blend?
Windsor® Nature’s Seasons Seasoning Blend should be available at the following retailers:
Dominion Foodland (Ontario)
IGA (Alberta, Prairies, Manitoba, Saskatoon, Quebec)
Loblaws Longos (Toronto)
No Frills Ontario and Western Canada
Real Atlantic Super Store
Real Canadian Superstore (Ontario and West)
Safeway (Ontario)
Save on Foods Sobeys (Maritimes, Ontario)
Thrifty Foods
Value Mart Ontario
YIG (Your Independent grocers) Ontario, Western Canada, Atlantic provinces
ZehrsBefore visiting one of these retailers, we recommend calling the store first to confirm product availability.
If you do not live near one of these retailers you may wish to ask your local store manager to consider stocking this product. We also suggest checking online retailers should this be an option for you.
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Where can I find coupons for Windsor products?
Thank you for your interest in the Windsor® brand products. Although there are no promotions at this point in time, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram to be the first to receive information on all our promotions, including contest, product giveaways and coupons.
Here are the links:
https://www.instagram.com/windsorsalt/Did you find this useful?
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How can I obtain a Safety Data Sheet (SDS)?
All requests must be submitted to our US affiliate, Morton Salt, Inc. in writing via email to: technicaldocuments@mortonsalt.com.
Due to the volume of requests we receive, please expect a response time between 2 to 4 weeks.
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I'd like Windsor Salt to sponsor/donate to my event/charity. Who can assist me?
Thank you for thinking of us. As you can imagine, Windsor Salt receives numerous requests each year for donations. While we recognize the importance and the value of each request, sadly we are unable to contribute to all.
Windsor Salt is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen. As such, Windsor supports several excellent, national programs such as: The Canadian Red Cross and the Canadian Cancer Society as well as some local programs such as the Batshaw Youth and Family Centers.
We trust you understand and appreciate our position as we are not able to assist your organization at this time.
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How can I arrange a tour of your salt mines?
While a tour may sounds enticing, our mines and warehouses are not open to the public. For more information about our company, please visit our website to learn about our history, production methods and mine locations.
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Can I buy products directly from your manufacturing plants?
At this time we are not set up to sell our products directly to consumers. We recommend checking with your local grocery or hardware store to see if they would be willing to arrange a direct shipment for you.
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How does Windsor produce salt?
There are a number of methods used to produce the salt. Windsor Salt uses three methods: (1) solar evaporation, (2) underground rock salt mining and (3) vacuum pan evaporation. Solar evaporation is the oldest method of salt production as salt crystals were first noticed in trapped pools of seawater. Solar evaporation is practical only in warm climates where the evaporation rate exceeds the precipitation rate, either annually or for extended periods, and ideally, where there are steady prevailing winds. Solar salt production typically involves collecting salt water in shallow ponds where the sun evaporates most of the water. The concentrated brine then precipitates the salt which is then gathered by mechanical harvesting machines. Any impurities that may be present in the brine are drained off and discarded prior to harvesting.
Windsor also uses the second oldest method of producing salt – underground rock salt mining. Salt may appear in veins, as does coal in underground caverns. Veins are the original bedded salt deposits. Salt also may be found in underground domes, which were formed when Earth pressures forced salt up through cracks from depths as great as 30,000 or 40,000 feet. Domes resemble plugs of almost circular shape which are a few hundred yards to a mile across. We remove the salt from the salt deposit veins or domes using mining methods. The salt obtained from the mines are either sold as is or further refined by dissolving the mined salt into a purified brine(salt and water mixture) using a mechanical vacuum pan evaporation process.
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How can I find out about careers at Windsor Salt?
We are always looking for good talent to join our organization. If interested, we invite you to send an email to this address: careers@mortonsalt.com. Or you can check all active career opportunities by clicking here.
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Have the names for System Saver II and Rust Remover changed?
Yes, System Saver II has been renamed Clean and Protect™. Rust Remover has been renamed Clean and Protect™ Plus Clean Care™ and the artwork has been updated for both products.
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How can I tell if my water is hard?
You may have hard water if your soap and laundry detergent do not lather very well, or if spots appear on your glasses and dishes or colored clothing looks dull after washing. Tubs and bathroom fixtures may be covered with an unsightly film. You can have your water tested by your water dealer or you may use a home water testing kit.
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Are water softener products iodized?
No, we do not add iodide to our water softener products.
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Which Windsor water softener salt is the best product to use?
Each water softening salt product is tailored to address different water softening needs based on the hard mineral levels in your water. Click here to learn more about our water softener products.
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Can I alternate use of different Windsor water softening salts or use a combination of them in the brine tank?
Yes, each of our water softening salts, whether used alone or in combination with each other, are approved for use in water softeners/brine tanks.
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Can I use potassium chloride in lieu of or in combination with water softener salt to soften my water?
Yes. If you choose to mix potassium chloride with water softerner salt(sodium chloride), we would recommend starting with a 50/50 ratio and see how that works for you. If mixing potassium chloride with salt, it is important to note that the softened water will contain a higher ratio of sodium to potassium at the beginning of the service cycle and a higher ratio of potassium to sodium near the end of the service cycle.
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Are Windsor water softener products safe for my septic system?
Yes, all Windsor water softener products are safe for septic systems.
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Is water softened by Windsor sodium-based products or Windsor potassium-based products safe for me to drink?
Yes, softened water is safe to drink. Individuals who are monitoring or restricting their sodium and potassium intake will want to check the levels of sodium or potassium in the softened water to determine if the levels are appropriate for their needs.
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If I am using salt in my water softener, how much sodium is in the softened water?
A water softener works by passing hard water across resin beads that remove hard water minerals such as calcium and magnesium from the water, leaving softened water that flows back into your home for use. When the water softener’s resin beads get covered by hard water minerals it is not able to work effectively until a resin recharge/regeneration process takes place, in which sodium from water softener salt removes hard water minerals from the resin beads and the removed hard water minerals are then discharged into wastewater. After the resin recharge/regeneration process, there will be some sodium ions remaining in the softened water that enters your home. The level of sodium entering your water depends on the hardness of your water. The softened water will contain about 8 mg of sodium per grain of hardness for one litre of water. For example, if your water has a hardness level of 15 grains, 120 mg. of sodium will be added to each litre of water (15 grains x 8 mg. of sodium per grain). A litre contains approximately 4 cups of water so at this level each cup will contain approximately 30 mg. of sodium, about the same amount of sodium you would get in one and a half (1½) 12-oz. cans of diet cola.
The low level of sodium added in the water softening process should not harm plants or pose a health risk. However, some homeowners have a hard water tap in the kitchen, which does not contain the added sodium. This is accomplished via bypassing the water softener. If you have any health concerns about consuming or cooking with salt-softened water, please consult your physician.
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Can softened water be used for my lawn?
Many people choose to either leave the water for outside taps unsoftened, or bypass the water softener when watering the lawn because the volume of water needed to water the lawn will deplete the supply of softened water quickly; the water softener will need to recharge more frequently, thus using more salt. Since the lawn does not need softened water, this may be the best course of action. If you do not want to bypass the system, you should be aware that normally the small amount of sodium that is discharged into your water from the water softener is not a problem for most lawns. If, however, your soil already has a high level of sodium that may not be advisable. Because potassium is a major and essential plant nutrient, some people use potassium chloride instead of salt(sodium chloride) to recharge their water softener.
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Why does my softened water appear yellow or cloudy after using Windsor water softening products?
If you see a yellow color or cloudiness, it may be colloidal iron or manganese. You would need to do an analysis to be sure. If you have iron in your water supply and have never used salt formulated with resin cleaning additives, your first use of Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Plus Clean Care™ may loosen rust deposits that have accumulated on the water softener resin beads previously. If the amount of rust released is excessive, it may not all be rinsed out during the normal rinse cycle of the recharge/regeneration process and may enter the household water supply. For this reason, we usually recommend conducting several consecutive manual regenerations to provide enough water to rinse away the excess rust deposits so that the rust is not present in the softened water that returns to the household. Another possibility is if the softener was dormant for some period of time, the soluble iron on the water softener resin may have oxidized to rust during this time frame. Then, as water is run through the softener, the rust will slough off into the softened water. If the softener will sit dormant for an extended period of time (three weeks or more) you may wish to conduct a manual regeneration just prior to leaving for your extended absence.
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After using Windsor water softener salt will my water have a salty taste?
With a water softener that is operating properly, the water should not taste salty. The salt should be totally rinsed from the system during the brine and rinse cycle of the regeneration process, although there may be some low level of sodium remaining in the water softener.
If your water tastes salty, it may be the water softener is malfunctioning, such as a stuck valve or valve that isn’t seated properly. You could try cleaning the venturi valve and directions for doing this are in your owner’s manual. Otherwise, you should call a reputable water dealer to have the unit checked.
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After using Windsor water softening products why does my skin itch?
Use of Windsor water softening salt products should not cause your skin to itch. If you experience any skin irritation, please consult with your doctor or dermatologist as to possible causes.
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Will softened water cause discoloration of my dyed hair?
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What are the benefits of using a potassium chloride-based versus a sodium chloride-based water softening product?
The benefits of potassium chloride-based products include:
• no addition of sodium to softened water
• Provides a means to increase potassium, an essential human and plant nutrient, through softened water
• Reduces chloride discharge by up to 20% as compared to sodium chloride softened waterDid you find this useful?
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What are the health implications of using a potassium chloride-based product?
The amount of potassium present in potassium chloride softened water is safe for normal healthy people. For healthy individuals, potassium from the diet is absorbed slowly from the gastrointestinal tract and the excess potassium is excreted. However, in certain individuals with medical conditions such as kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure, the body may not excrete excess potassium. Individuals with these conditions may need to restrict their potassium intake and should consult a doctor prior to consuming potassium-softened water. If you have any questions as to whether your health condition allows you to use potassium based water softener products, please consult your doctor.
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Will Windsor® Potassium Chloride Pellets work in any softener that can use Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Pellets?
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How do I switch over to Windsor® Potassium Chloride Pellets? Do I have to empty the sodium product from the water softener?
The Windsor® Potassium Chloride Pellets can be used interchangeably with the Windsor® Clean and Protect™(salt) Pellets. When you are ready to replenish your water softener with salt, simply pour the potassium chloride pellets on top of any remaining salt in the water softener.
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How will the Windsor® Potassium Chloride Pellets or Windsor® Clean and Protect™ or Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Plus Clean Care™ Pellets affect my plumbing or septic system?
There are no detrimental effects on plumbing or septic systems if Windsor® Potassium Chloride Pellets or any of the Windsor sodium chloride-based products are used.
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Does Windsor® Potassium Chloride Pellets contain the resin cleaning additives in Windsor® Clean and Protect™ or Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Plus Clean Care™?
No. Windsor® Potassium Chloride Pellets contain no additives.
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Will Windsor® Potassium Chloride Pellets affect the resin beads?
Use of Windsor® Potassium Chloride Pellets will not harm the resin beads. However, if your raw water has a high iron content of over 2 ppm, you may want to use Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Plus Clean Care™ Pellets, since that product contains resin bead cleaning additives which will help prevent iron from fouling clean or new resin beads. Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Pellets also contain additives that keep resin beads from fouling if your water contains less than 2 ppm of iron.
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What is the potassium level of water softened with Windsor® Potassium Chloride Pellets?
Using potassium chloride in your softener will contribute approximately 32 milligrams of potassium per 8 ounces of water for each 10 grains of hardness softened.
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Is water softened by potassium chloride safe for houseplants?
Yes. Potassium is one of the 16 elements necessary for plant growth. It also helps plants resist disease and optimize moisture utilization.
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What holds Windsor® Clean and Protect™ or Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Plus Clean Care™ Pellets together? Do they contain glue or binders?
High pressure is used to form Windsor® Clean and Protect™ or Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Plus Clean Care™ Pellets. No glues or binders are used in these Windsor water softener salt products.
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How does a water softener work?
For details on how water softeners work, please click here.
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What is the salt purity level for the sodium-based Windsor water softener pellets?
Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Pellets are made with very high purity salt – 99.65%
Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Plus Clean Care™ Pellets are made with high purity salt – 99.65%
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Are your pellets made from solar or evaporated salt?
Windsor® Clean and Protect™ or Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Plus Clean Care™ pellets are compressed from either vacuum granulated salt or solar salt.
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Where can I find Select Plus?
Windsor® Select Plus Water Softener Crystals is a discontinued product. We apologize for any inconvenience. We continue to offer the following Windsor® water softener products: Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Windsor® Clean and Protect™ Plus Clean Care™ Windsor® Potassium Chloride For additional product information, please click here.
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How can obtain assistance with my Windsor brand Water Softener Unit?
Please contact the Windsor Water Softener Systems Help Line at 800-796-6784 or via email at info@northstarwater.com and they will be able to assist you.
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How do salt water pools work?
Chlorine is a necessary agent to maintain a safe swimming pool environment. Chlorine not only disinfects water, it reacts to kill disease-causing organisms such as bacteria, algae, ammonia and other organic matter that can be introduced into a pool system over time. Traditionally, liquid chlorine has been used to introduce necessary chlorine agent into a pool system. While liquid chlorine works well functionally, it can lead to many negative side effects on hair, skin, eyes and clothing which are not ideal. Today, pools equipped with a salt chlorine generator system or automatic sanitizer system ( a.k.a. salt water pools), can perform the same function but without the negative effects.
When pool salt (sodium chloride) is dissolved in a salt water pool, the salt chlorine generator system or automatic sanitizer system electrolyzes the salt and transforms the chloride (Cl) portion of the salt into chlorine. This chlorine dissolves in the water to perform the same functions as conventional liquid chlorine used in pool maintenance. However, unlike traditional liquid chlorine used in pool maintenance, salt chlorinator systems generate “free” chlorine as water passes through the electrolytic cell which destroys chloramines responsible for “chlorine odor”, red/irritated eyes, bleached/green hair and damaged bathing suits.
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Do I need pool salt for my pool?
You should only use pool salt if your pool is equipped with a functioning salt water chlorinator or generator system. If you are unsure if you have a salt water system, please consult your pool installer or a pool professional to confirm.
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Can I use pool salt in a pool without a chlorine generator?
Windsor does not recommend adding pool salt to a pool without a salt water chlorine generator. Adding pool salt to a pool not equipped with a salt water chlorine generator will not generate the free chlorine agents necessary to maintain a safe swimming pool environment.
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How often will I need to add pool salt?
After starting up your pool and achieving optimal salt levels, you will only need to add salt when necessary as salt levels in the pool decrease (typically due to leaks, rainwater overflow, splash-out or filter backwashing). The amount of salt you will need to add depends on the starting salt level of the water. Please contact a pool professional if you have any questions or concerns about maintaining your salt water pool.
Note: normal water evaporation will increase the concentration of salt in pool water. You will need to add water to the pool to bring salt concentration back to target ppm levels.
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Does Windsor® Pool Salt contain iodine?
No, Windsor® Pool Salt contains no iodine.
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Does Windsor® Pool Salt contain anti-caking agents (like YPS)?
No, Windsor® Pool Salt contains no anti-caking agents.
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What is the difference between sodium chloride and salt?
It is the same item. Sodium chloride (NaCl) is the chemical name for common salt.
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Can table salt melt snow?
Table salt will can be used to melt snow and ice, however it would take large quantities to do so and thus may not be cost efficient for large-scale snow melting.
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How do I use Windsor® Safer For Pets?
Ingredient: Urea
Melts down to -12°CWindsor® Safer for Pets is veterinarian recommended, salt-free ice melt developed to be safer for pets than salt. Fast acting formula, ideal for extreme weather conditions. Blends calcium chloride and rock salt to melt ice and snow faster and longer than salt in extreme winter temperatures. Its blue crystals offer greater visibility which makes for easy application.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Wear gloves. Evenly sprinkle Windsor® Ice Melt over icy or snow-packed surfaces (about 50 mL to 125 mL per square metre). Remove slush after melting has occurred.
STORAGE: Seal container tightly and store in a dry area. Do not store where leaking of contents might cause damage.
FIRST AID: wash hands thoroughly after use. In case of contact with eyes, skin or mouth, rinse area thoroughly with water. Seek medical attention if large quantities are ingested or irritation to the eyes or skin persists.
WARNING: Do not take internally and avoid contact with eyes, skin, or clothing. All deicers increase the number of freeze-thaw cycles which can accelerate surface damage to concrete. Any poor quality concrete, regardless of age, is susceptible to such damage. Use this product only on properly formulated, cured, placed, aire-entrained concrete that is more than one year old. Do not sue on brick or flagstone walkways with mortar joins. Avoid breathing dust. Melting ice and snow can cause discomfort to pet’s paws. This product must be used at the user’s own risk of loss or damage from use, storage or handling.
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How do I use Windsor® Safe-T-Salt?
Ingredients: Sodium Chloride
Melts down to -15°CWindsor® Safe-T-Salt is an economical ice melt that helps remove ice and snow. Apply Windsor® Safe-T-Salt under your car’s tires when stuck in winter weather conditions to provide traction.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Wear gloves. Evenly sprinkle Windsor® Safe-T-Salt over icy or snow-packed surfaces (about 125mL to 250 mL per square metre). Remove slush after melting has occurred.
STORAGE: Seal bag tightly and store in a dry area. Do not store where leaking of contents might cause damage.
FIRST AID: Wash hands thoroughly after use. In case of contact with eyes, skin or mouth, rinse area thoroughly with water. Seek medical attention if large quantities are ingested or irritation to the eyes or skin persists.
WARNING: Do not take internally and avoid contact with eyes, skin, or clothing. All deicers increase the number of freeze-thaw cycles which can accelerate surface damage to concrete. Any poor quality concrete, regardless of age, is susceptible to such damage. Use this product only on properly formulated, cured, placed, air-entrained concrete that is more than one year old. Do not sue on brick or flagstone always with mortar joints. Avoid breathing dues. This product can adversely affect leather shoes and gloves. This product must be used at the user’s own risk of loss or damage from use, storage or handling. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
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How would I use Windsor® Safer For Concrete?
Ingredients: Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Urea
Melts down to -15°C Windsor® Safer for Concrete is a premium product that contains a sealing agent to help minimize concrete damage over a fixed time making it safer for salt.DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Wear gloves. Evenly sprinkle Windsor® Ice Melt over icy or snow-packed surfaces (about 50 mL to 125 mL per square metre). Remove slush after melting has occurred.
STORAGE: Seal bag tightly and store in a dry area. Do not store where leaking of contents might cause damage.
FIRST AID: wash hands thoroughly after use. In case of contact with eyes, skin or mouth, rinse area thoroughly with water. Seek medical attention if large quantities are ingested or irritation to the eyes or skin persists.
WARNING: Do not take internally and avoid contact with eyes, skin, or clothing. All deicers increase the number of freeze-taw cycles which can accelerate surface damage to concrete. Any poor quality concrete, regardless of age, is susceptible to such damage. Use this product only on properly formulated, cured, placed, air-entrained concrete that is more than one year old. Do not use on brick or flagstone walkways with mortar joins. Avoid breathing dust. Melting ice and snow can cause discomfort to pet’s paws. This product must be used at the user’s own risk of loss or damage from use, storage or handling KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN
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How would I use Windsor® Fast Acting?
Ingredients: Sodium Chloride, Calcium Chloride
Melts down to -31°C Fast acting formula, ideal for extreme weather conditions. Blends calcium chloride and rock salt to melt ice and snow faster and longer than salt in extreme winter temperatures. Its blue crystals offer greater visibility which makes for easy application.DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Wear gloves. Evenly sprinkle Windsor® Ice Melt over icy or snow-packed surfaces (about 50 mL to 125 mL per square metre). Remove slush after melting has occurred.
STORAGE: Seal bag tightly and store in a dry area. Do not store where leaking of contents might cause damage.
FIRST AID: wash hands thoroughly after use. In case of contact with eyes, skin or mouth, rinse area thoroughly with water. Seek medical attention if large quantities are ingested or irritation to the eyes or skin persists.
WARNING: Do not take internally and avoid contact with eyes, skin, or clothing. All deicers increase the number of freeze-thaw cycles which can accelerate surface damage to concrete. Any poor quality concrete, regardless of age, is susceptible to such damage. Use this product only on properly formulated, cured, placed, air-entrained concrete that is more than one year old. Do not use on brick or flagstone walkways with mortar joins. Avoid breathing dust. The product can adversely affect leather shoes and gloves. This product must be used at the user’s own risk of loss or damage from use, storage or handling
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDRENDid you find this useful?
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Why is there sugar in my salt?
Here is the scoop on the sugar (invert sugar) listed on the packaging of our iodized salt products:
The amount of invert sugar is less than 0.08% and is used to stabilize the potassium iodide. Invert sugar is formed when sucrose (or sugar) is broke down or inverted into its components – glucose and fructose
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Which of your products are gluten free?
•Black Peppercorn Grinder
•Coarse Pickling Salt
•Half Salt
•Iodized Coarse Sea Salt
•Iodized Extra Coarse Sea Salt Grinder
•Iodized Extra Coarse Sea Salt Refill
•Iodized Fine Sea Salt
•Iodized Household Salt
•Iodized Salt and Club House Pepper
•Iodized Table Salt
•Kosher Salt
•La Baleine Coarse Sea Salt
•La Baleine Fine Sea Salt
•Le Saunier de Camargue Fleur de Sel
•Nature’s Seasons Seasoning Blend
•Salt Free Salt SubstituteDid you find this useful?
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I am allergic to certain ingredients- how can I find out all the ingredients in your food salts
All Windsor products have an ingredient statement on the label. If you have further questions about specific ingredients, please contact us through our Contact Us form
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When should I use Kosher Salt?
You may use Coarse Kosher Salt in place of table salt in recipes. Windsor® Coarse Kosher Salt may be used whenever a coarse flake salt is desired, such as garnishing the rim of margarita glasses; as a topping for bread, rolls, bagels and soft pretzels; or for brining meat and poultry. Windsor® Coarse Kosher Salt may also be used to kosher meat and poultry, and in cooking where salt is used to encrust meat, fish or chicken. We do not recommend using Windsor® Coarse Kosher Salt in baking recipes, unless used as a topping, where a coarse salt would be desired.
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Can I substitute Kosher Salt in a recipe that calls for table salt?
Generally, you may use Windsor® Coarse Kosher Salt in place of table salt in recipes. We do not recommend using Windsor® Coarse Kosher Salt in baking recipes, unless used as a topping, where a coarse salt would be desired. For general use in teaspoon amounts, use the same amount of Windsor® Coarse Kosher Salt as table salt.
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What are the differences between Windsor® Iodized Salt and Windsor® Coarse Pickling Salt?
Windsor® Coarse Pickling Salt is a pure granulated salt that contain no additives. This product can be used in cooking, baking, canning, pickling and for the table. Please note that since there is no anti-caking additive in Windsor® Coarse Pickling Salt, it may form lumps in humid weather or if exposed to moisture. This product is available in 1.36 kg boxes and can be found in your local grocery store. Windsor® Iodized Salt contains these additives: (1) potassium iodide, (2) sugar to stablize the iodide, and (3) calcium silicate as an anti-caking agent. This product is fine for baking, cooking and normal table use. However, since the anti-caking agent in the Windsor® Iodized Salt is not water-soluble, we do not recommend this salt for use in some canning recipes as the calcium silicate may settle to the bottom of the jar and the water may cloud which could be an aesthetic issue for some users.
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Can Table Salt be used for canning vegetables?
Windsor® Iodized Table Salt contains potassium iodide, sugar to stabilize the iodide and calcium silicate which is an anti-caking agent. This product is fine for baking, cooking and for the table. However, because the anti-caking agent in this product is not water-soluble, we do not recommend this salt for some canning recipes as the calcium silicate may settle at the bottom of the jar.
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Where can I find Morton® Tender Quick Home Meat Cure in Canada?
Morton® Tender Quick Home Meat Cure is no longer available for distribution in Canada. We apologize for any inconvenience. This product continues to remain in distribution at various retailers within the United States.
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How can I keep salt from caking?
Windsor® Iodized Table Salt products contain an anti-caking agent to help keep the salt from caking however in case of extreme humidity, salt will still cake. To prevent salt from absorbing moisture from the air, you may wish to store salt in an airtight container or sealed in a plastic bag.
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Does your kosher salt contain iodine?
No, Windsor® Coarse Kosher Salt does not contain iodine.
If there is iodine (potassium iodide) added to our products, it is stated on the product packaging and ingredient statement. We encourage our consumers to refer to the Nutrition Facts panel and the ingredients list on the product for that information.
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What do the dots on the box represent?
Each Windsor® culinary salt has its own colour scheme and design. The dots are one way to quickly identify the culinary salt that you need from the other salts on the shelf.
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Where can I find Windsor® Roasted Garlic Sea Salt Grinder?
Windsor® Roasted Garlic Sea Salt Grinder has been discontinued. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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Where can I find Windsor® Nature's Seasons Seasoning Blend?
Windsor® Nature’s Seasons Seasoning Blend should be available at the following retailers:
Dominion Foodland (Ontario)
IGA (Alberta, Prairies, Manitoba, Saskatoon, Quebec)
Loblaws Longos (Toronto)
No Frills Ontario and Western Canada
Real Atlantic Super Store
Real Canadian Superstore (Ontario and West)
Safeway (Ontario)
Save on Foods Sobeys (Maritimes, Ontario)
Thrifty Foods
Value Mart Ontario
YIG (Your Independent grocers) Ontario, Western Canada, Atlantic provinces
ZehrsBefore visiting one of these retailers, we recommend calling the store first to confirm product availability.
If you do not live near one of these retailers you may wish to ask your local store manager to consider stocking this product. We also suggest checking online retailers should this be an option for you.
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