- 1 tsp Windsor® Coarse Pickling Salt
- 2 tbsp lemon juice (bottled)
- 1.5 kg ripe firm tomatoes (without cracks or spots)
- 1 tsp Windsor® Coarse Pickling Salt
- 2 tbsp lemon juice (bottled)
- 1.5 kg ripe firm tomatoes (without cracks or spots)
Featured Windsor Products
Recipe Preparation

For the Home Canned Tomatoes
- Wash tomatoes.
- Using a wire basket, dip tomatoes into boiling water for 30-60 seconds, then into cold water.
- Remove skins, stems and cores.
- Pack whole or halved tomatoes into clean, hot quart jars. For each quart, add 5 mL (1 tsp) Windsor Coarse Salt and 30 mL (2 tbsp) bottled lemon juice.
- Press tomatoes into jars, filling spaces as juice forms. Leave 1.27 cm (1/2-inch) headspace.
- Remove air bubbles using a non-metal spatula. Wipe rims of jars and adjust lids.
- Process in a boiling water bath for 85 minutes.